Things have been quiet lately on the ol' blog. I'm trying to get back in the groove of regular posts...but it's been very busy in "real" life. I've been overwhelmed with custom projects over the summer and it's been such a blessing. I've spent most of my free time, Evie's nap times and weekends working as much as possible on getting projects out the door.
I've also have another little blessing in the works. We found out several weeks ago that we are expecting our second child in early April. :) It has been a rough first trimester, I've been way more sick than my first pregnancy. There are days I should have been working but I could only lay in bed and pray for relief. I still have those days but they are becoming fewer.
I've got about 10 weeks of projects currently on the books. I will schedule another 10 or so and then that will be it for a few months as I near the end of my pregnancy and prepare for life (and sleep deprivation) with a newborn. If you've been thinking about a project please consider contacting me to get started. I am a gigantic pregnant person and at some point I'm not going to be able to move around. Seriously!
Big Sister!
Two weeks before Evie was born.
Evie at One Week.